Amending the State Impact Fee Law Would be Real Government Effectiveness
1 month ago Comments are DisabledEarlier this month, Rep. William Bailey (R-104) posted the following on his Facebook page to his constituents in Horry County:
“As the federal and state governments start to review and reform their financial responsibilities to our taxpayers, I strongly encourage local governments to begin a process of enhancing infrastructure projects, limiting governmental expansion, and encouraging and assisting small businesses as they struggle with related inflation that negatively impacts us all. Every dollar should be a wise investment for our future but more importantly, they should be dollars that improve our economic stability.”
Bailey has generally done a good job representing his constituents in the North Myrtle Beach area. One thing he could do to further help all the citizens in Horry County would be to sponsor a bill to amend the state’s current impact fee law to help local governments correctly apportion the costs of infrastructure improvements and additions caused by new construction.
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The Twelve Days of Christmas
3 months ago Comments are DisabledWhat in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans and especially the partridge who won’t come out of a pear tree have to do with the Twelve Days of Christmas?
From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this Carol as a catechism song for young Catholics.
The song has two levels of meaning:
The Partridge in a Pear Tree was Jesus Christ.
Two Turtle Doves were the Old and New Testaments.
Three French Hens stood for Faith, Hope and Love.
The Four Calling Birds were the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
The Five Golden Rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
The Six Geese A-Laying stood for the six days of Creation.
Seven Swans A-Swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit – Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership and Mercy.
The Eight Maids A-Milking were the eight beatitudes.
Nine Ladies Dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.
The Ten Lords A-Leaping were the Ten Commandments.
The Eleven Pipers Piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
The Twelve Drummers Drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed.
Rodney Berry’s Vision for Senate District 30
5 months ago Comments are DisabledRepublican candidate Rodney Berry will square off against five-term incumbent Democrat Kent Willians in tomorrow’s election for SC Senate District 30.
Berry brings a unique set of qualifications and experience to the race which could help pull District 30 up from its current economic problems. He is a past mayor of Marion, a former Administrator of Dillon County government, has 10 years of experience working with Congress and is currently a contractor for economic development for Dillon County.
“For the past 20 years the two main counties in this Senate District have ranked in the top 5 poorest counties in South Carolina,” Berry said. “We can’t keep accepting losing and finishing at the bottom.”
Berry was a principal negotiator in the economic development initiative that resulted in the Dillon Inland Port which has provided over 2,000 new jobs to date. He plans to use his experience in economic development initiatives to benefit the entirety of District 30.
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The RIDE IV Ballot Question – Do You Want Road Improvements or Not?
5 months ago Comments are DisabledThe decision by voters on Tuesday on whether to approve the RIDE IV referendum for road improvements in Horry County may be the most important decision they make on the general election ballot.
Unlike the politicians for whom they decide to cast a ballot, politicians who will pass with time, the roads, which will be built if the referendum is approved, will serve not only the present generation of voters but also future generations. Or Not!
Horry County Council chose to ask voters to approve a 25-year, one-cent sales tax to raise approximately $6.6 billion for road improvements and additions. It is currently estimated that Horry County is deficient to the tune of approximately $4.5 billion in road improvements needed to service today’s needs and population. Approval of the 25-year referendum will allow the county to issue bonds, funded by future revenues, to speed up construction of needed improvements. Former RIDE projects were funded on a pay as you go basis.
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Considerations for SC Senate District 30 Voters
5 months ago Comments are DisabledThe most competitive race in this year’s general election for the South Carolina Senate is taking place in Senate District 30, which includes Marion and Dillon counties and parts of Florence, Darlington and Horry counties. Five term incumbent Democratic senator Kent Williams is being challenged by Republican Rodney Berry.
What makes the race so competitive is Berry is not the normal type of challenger attempting to gain name recognition in the district. Before filing for office, Berry already possessed name recognition in the district at least equal to the incumbent Williams.
A graduate of Dillon High School, Berry was Captain and MVP of the Wildcats football team. He went on to graduate from Presbyterian College where he also starred on the football field serving two years as captain of the team and being named an All Decade linebacker for the 1990’s.
Berry served four years in the United States Marine Corps including being named as Parris Island Top Recruit and Company Honor Man. After his service to the country, Rodney entered the newspaper business founding the Dillon County Shopper, Marion County Penny Saver and his most successful venture of all “She Magazine”.
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Other News
- Amending the State Impact Fee Law Would be Real Government Effectiveness February 21, 2025
- The Twelve Days of Christmas December 22, 2024
- Rodney Berry’s Vision for Senate District 30 November 4, 2024
- The RIDE IV Ballot Question – Do You Want Road Improvements or Not? November 3, 2024
- Considerations for SC Senate District 30 Voters October 30, 2024
- HIC Poplar Church Rezoning Request Raises Questions September 30, 2024
- Mica’s Law, Funding Issues and the Rankin Campaign for Reelection June 10, 2024
- The Mica’s Law Press Conference Was Not a Political Stunt June 9, 2024
- The Contradictions and Dead Ends in the Rankin Campaign June 8, 2024
- Rankin Claims Victimhood From Mica’s Law Press Conference June 7, 2024
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