By Paul Gable
By a vote of 9-2, Horry County Council approved third reading of its new adult entertainment ordinances Tuesday night.
Horry County Council is putting its faith in Tennessee attorney Scott Bergthold to prevail in federal court to keep these ordinances in effect.
One thing to make clear is that adult entertainment establishments will continue to operate in Horry County. This ordinance will not end the industry in the county.
The only question is how many tax dollars the county will transfer to Bergthold in the process.
Several speakers during public input on the ordinances demonstrated that the public may not understand the above points. Several council members also may not understand the amount of money they have committed the county to spending.
Our prediction is many tax dollars will be spent without noticeable change in the adult entertainment industry, but that is an issue that can be addressed during future elections. Like River City, we got trouble.
In other business, council approved a resolution to restore FY 2014 fourth quarter funding to Coast RTA. This will allow Coast RTA to complete this fiscal year with its full budget including full matching federal funds for the total $1.06 million the county will provide to Coast RTA during FY 2014.
County Council to the Golf Industry: ‘Sorry no more strip clubs, but we were careful to protect your ability to fly around in a helicopter. Have fun and spend lots of money.’
Perhaps the strip club owners should have offered the county a percentage of the strippers profits, after all it worked for helicopters. In spite of the complaints, helicopters were welcome after they offered the County 5%, making the County a partner. Kinda sounds like the Black Hand or the mafia, doesn’t it?
There is certainly prostitution going on, but the real prostitutes are the politicians on council. Selling out entire neighborhood’s quality of life for 5 percent of the helicopter profits should be ‘indictable’.