
Myrtle Beach International Airport

Horry County Department of Airports Terminal Expenditures

The Horry County Department of Airports is preparing to spend at least $10 million refurbishing the old passenger terminal building.

This is on top of the approximately $120 million spent in the last few years for a new terminal building.

There should be some justification for these expenses, but it’s hard to fathom what that is when looking at passenger numbers at Myrtle Beach International Airport.

Budgets - Cuts, Spending and You

Charleston County School District Accelerated Capital Projects

It seems a few campaign donations can accelerate building projects in the Charleston County School District.

According to information on the S.C. Ethics Commission website, CCSD Board of Trustees Chairman Cindy Bohn Coats, Vice Chairman Chris Staubes and member Kate Darby were all recipients of campaign donations from Carolina Park Development LLC, CDM of Charleston LLC and GFP Portside LLC.

Each of the three above named candidates received the maximum $1,000 donation from each of the three companies.

Blaine Garren Announces Candidacy for District 6

Blaine Garren announced his candidacy for the open Horry County Council seat in District 6 during a press conference Friday.

The press conference was held at 3 p.m. at the Socastee Library on Hwy 707.

A special election will be held to select a new member to fill the unexpired term of recently deceased council member Bob Grabowski.

Coast RTA Funding Problems Continue

If perception is reality in politics, Coast RTA funding from Horry County is in deep trouble.

That is the perception I have after watching last night’s Horry County Council meeting.

It centers around one huge public relations gaffe and several shortfalls on the part of Coast RTA.

It’s not a good thing when the chairman of Horry County Council says to Coast RTA representatives “it’s almost as if we don’t exist up here” and “that board (Coast) is not taking this county council seriously.”

Myrtle Beach International Airport

Horry County Council Looks at Airports

One of the more interesting discussions at the recent Horry County Council budget retreat dealt with the county’s Department of Airports.

Concerns were expressed about the county’s three general aviation airports, Grand Strand, Conway and Loris, all losing money.

The Department of Airports showed a net operating loss of approximately $150,000 last year. The three general aviation airports accounted for a total loss of approximately $400,000 while Myrtle Beach International Airport showed a profit of approximately $250,000.

Bureaucracy to prevail at expense of the taxpayer

SC General Assembly Shortcomings

The SC General Assembly won’t be messing with county governments this week because it is on vacation.

However, when the legislators return next week, roads and the local government fund will be tops on the list of issues to be discussed.

As they are currently being handled in Columbia, both issues do nothing more than transfer funding problems to county governments.

Mike Pence and Hoosier Hospitality

One week after signing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a retreat.

Indiana lawmakers claimed Hoosier Hospitality returned with an amendment to the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act Thursday.

The following is an account of the Indiana General Assembly’s Holy Thursday activities to stem the one week national firestorm against the RFRA.

Special Election Set for Horry County Council District 6

Special election dates have been set for Horry County Council District 6 to fill the unexpired term of Bob Grabowski.

Filing for the special election will open April 17, 2015 and close April 27, 2015. Candidates will file with the respective party they wish to contest in on the primary ballot.

The special primary elections for District 6 will be held June 16, 2015.

Bob Grabowski Suicide

According to several sources, Horry County Council member Bob Grabowski died from an apparent self inflicted gunshot wound approximately one hour ago.

According to those sources, Grabowski called his brother to tell him of his intentions and gave the contact information for Horry County Police Chief Saundra Rhodes.

Grabowski, who has worked for PTR Industries for approximately one year, took his life in the woods near the plant in Cool Springs Industrial Park.

Indiana, Gov. Mike Pence and Religious Freedom – Update

The Indiana General Assembly and Gov. Mike Pence gave a lesson in U.S. history and politics after passing into law an ill-considered “Religious Freedom” bill last week.

Pence and Republican legislators apparently thought the religious freedom law would be a feather in their caps, endearing them to the far right Republican base and assuring continued election success.

Instead they found themselves in the middle of a public relations firestorm that rapidly was blowing back on them and probably eliminating Pence from any future serious presidential consideration.