
Mixed Messages on Atlantic Beach Bikefest

Local and state officials are sending a lot of mixed messages about the Atlantic Beach Bikefest next year.

So far this week, Atlantic Beach Mayor Jake Evans said the town supported the Atlantic Beach Bikefest and it would continue. The next day, Governor Nikki Haley reiterated the Atlantic Beach Bikefest was bad for South Carolina and it needed to end.

Each admitted they had not talked to the other. Is picking up a phone so hard?

Candace Howell for Horry County District Eight

One clear choice has emerged in the race to replace retiring council member Carl Schwartzkopf in Horry County District Eight. That choice is Candace Howell.

Howell brings a new voice and a new perspective to Horry County issues rather than the same old, tired mentality of too many candidates. She is focused on improving Horry County, especially in the area of jobs, so that today’s children can have a bright future in their home area.

Schwartzkopf recently said of Howell, “Candace Howell would bring a breath of fresh air and a change in perspective to Horry County Council. She is far and away the most impressive candidate in the race.”

Eargle Endorses Jeff Johnson for S.C. House District 58

Horry County Auditor Lois Eargle endorsed Jeff Johnson for S.C. House District 58 yesterday.

When GSD talked to Eargle, she said, “I have known Jeff since he was a small boy. He is a wonderful person. His family has supported me since I first ran for the statehouse in the mid-1970’s, walking neighborhoods and knocking on doors. I am very happy to be able to encourage people to vote for Jeff.”

SCGOP In-Fighting

Nikki Haley Says Time for Memorial Day Black Bike Festival to End

In town for an annual Hurricane Preparedness Conference, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, referring to the Memorial Day Weekend Black Bike Festival, “It’s time for that festival to come to an end.”

Haley said the state can let the people of Atlantic Beach know “we will help them with tourism, we will help them in any way to strengthen their community, but we are not going to promote any events going forward that do any harm to the citizens of South Carolina and that’s exactly what happened…”

Haley made her comments at a press conference held after a one hour meeting with Myrtle Beach Mayor John Rhodes, Horry County Council Chairman Mark Lazarus and other officials from around Horry County.

Gingrich, Myrtle Beach, Oil and Interstates

Myrtle Beach Mayhem – It’s the Economy’s Fault

Myrtle Beach city officials finally got on message yesterday about the murder and mayhem that occurred in the city over Memorial Day weekend – Officially – It’s the Economy’s Fault.

The story goes, ‘because S.C. cities and counties that usually send officers to help on the Grand Strand during biker weekends are stretched tight budget wise, because of the poor economy, they couldn’t send any help this year.’

The fact that Myrtle Beach cut the $150 per diem it pays to these outside officers out of its budget for this year probably was a factor also.

Mike Roberts for Horry County Council District 7

The Republican Primary for Horry County Council District 7 gives voters a distinct choice between candidates Mike Roberts and Liz Gilland.

Roberts is a relative unknown on the political scene while Gilland served on county council for District 8 from 1995-2003 and as council chairman from 2003-10.

Most politicians claim to want to serve the people or give back to the people. Mike Roberts is one of the people!

He is not tied to special interests and will vote according to what he believes is good for the majority of citizens not the few who are trying to take much more from the county than they will ever give.

What’s Happening in Horry County Council District 5?

A 23 year old first time candidate with deep pockets mixed with a veteran, but questionable, political consultant is creating quite a buzz in Horry County Council District 5.

At least that is the talk on the street about the candidacy of young Tyler Servant, a political novice who has outraised every other candidate in the county running for local or state office including some multi-term incumbents.

Much of the fundraising success can probably be credited to the long term business relationships of Servant’s father and grandfather in the southern Horry County real estate market.
Some also has to do with the Dunes Club card room crowd, especially the group that contributes generously to Tom Rice, backing the Servant candidacy for some reason.

Congratulations Myrtle Beach Or is it Murder Beach?

Regardless, congratulations are in order to my former hometown’s elected and tourism officials. You managed to get yourselves some national headlines over the weekend, but for all the wrong reasons.

You honestly cannot be surprised can you?

I mean, after all, there were how many shootings again in our “quiet, little sleepy tourist town?”

There’s been how many women who have gone missing in recent months?

There’s been how many guns pulled on people at various establishments?

And, before we go any further, let’s clear up a few potential misconceptions.

This has nothing to do with black bike week, Harley bike week, black people, white people or gun issues.

General Assembly Failing Citizens Again

S.C. Ethics Reform This Year – Maybe, Sort Of

It is possible, some say probable, that an ethics reform bill will pass the S.C. General Assembly and be signed into law before sine die June 5th.

But, it really won’t be much of a law.

The key ingredient, an independent ethics commission to investigate allegations of ethics violations against members of the House and Senate, will be missing.

Supreme Court Rules Bobby Harrell Investigation May Continue

The S.C. Supreme Court ruled earlier today that the state grand jury, Attorney General Alan Wilson and SLED may continue with an investigation into possible ethics and criminal violations by S. C. House Speaker Bobby Harrell.

This reverses a ruling made after a May 12th hearing in District Court, by Judge Casey Manning, which ordered the investigation halted and the grand jury disbanded.

In his ruling, Manning stated that the S.C. House Ethics Committee has exclusive jurisdiction over investigation of ethics violations by Harrell or other members of the House and only the Ethics Committee can refer an investigation to the AG or grand jury.