Press: Speaker Reacts to Infrastructure Plan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Caroline Delleney
[email protected]

May 7, 2015

Speaker Lucas Reacts to Senate GOP Infrastructure Plan

(Columbia, SC) – House Speaker Jay Lucas (District 65-Darlington) issued the following statement in response to the Senate Republican Caucus’ newly created infrastructure plan.

“The Legislature has an obligation to the people of South Carolina to repair our crumbling road system with comprehensive infrastructure reform.  With twelve legislative days remaining, I am appreciative that a group in the Senate has finally begun to follow in our footsteps and proposed a plan that includes the three components outlined in Governor Haley’s proposal. This issue is extremely difficult and requires significant consensus building.  The House’s hard work must not be underestimated or underappreciated. I am confident our friends across the Hall will show real leadership and put forth the necessary effort to pass a viable plan by the end of this legislative session.  The people of South Carolina and those in the business community are counting on us,” Speaker Jay Lucas stated.


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