FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 14, 2015 Contact: Caroline Delleney (803)734-3125 [email protected] House Begins Flood Recovery Response Ways and Means Committee will Conduct Hearings to Initiate Process (Columbia, SC) – House Speaker Jay Lucas (District 65-Darlington) issued the following statement regarding the House’s plans to address the historic flood recovery. […]
Tag: House of Representatives
Press: Speaker Reacts to Infrastructure Plan
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Caroline Delleney (803)734-3125 [email protected] May 7, 2015 Speaker Lucas Reacts to Senate GOP Infrastructure Plan (Columbia, SC) – House Speaker Jay Lucas (District 65-Darlington) issued the following statement in response to the Senate Republican Caucus’ newly created infrastructure plan. “The Legislature has an obligation to the […]
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